This is purely unedited from the original google doc; huge warning; massive dumb text incoming !!!!!
It all started when I was just in the Finobe discord, yea.
I was cool in finobe, but then unexp just decided to ruin it one time. He started humiliating me when accidentally pinging Raymonf (the owner) and that is the first part.
But we are just getting started. Later, he decided “im gonna get him banned for no reason because im a huge ass fucking prick!!!!!!!” and then he did. He did.
He made me so mad that I got banned for it. I hope unexp dies alone, and he doesn’t have anyone to support him.
I hope he finds the nearest building, goes to the roof of it, and jumps off. I wish he gets ran over by a car, only to see him squished.
You think I like the Old ROBLOX community? NO. Absolutely not. Unexp, I hope you know what you put me through.
I hope you regret all of the stuff you pulled off in the Finobe discord.